Supplementary Entrance Examination holds Sat,5th September 2020.
Forms are available at the Seminary.
Centre for examination: Seminary Compound Only.
The examination starts at 10:00 A.M.
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Dress Code

The Sunday wear comprises of white long sleeve shirt, a pair of trouser, a pair of black shoes, a black belt with simple buckle.
The cloth material for both shirt and trouser must be pure white polyester.
The cloth must be sewn with white thread.
The shirt must have collar and one chest pocket
The buttons must be white and the sleeves must never be rolled up
Unnecessary design both at the back and front of the shirt must be avoided
The name of the Seminarian must be written (either in embroidery or print) in black over the chest pocket of the shirt and below the belt loops of the trousser. It must be in the order of: surname and initials, e.g. OKECHUKWU M.I. Please note that Michael Ihuna need not appear in full.
The trousers must have two side pockets and one back pocket
The school uniform comprises of white short-sleeve shirt a pair of black shorts, a pair of socks and well-polished black sandals.
The cloth material for the shirt must be pure white cotton while that of the shorts must be pure charcoal black polyester.
The shirt must be sewn with white thread and the shorts with black thread
The shirt must have collar and one chest pocket
The buttons must be white and the sleeves must never be rolled up
Unnecessary design both at the back and front of the shirt must be avoided
The name of the Seminarian must be written (either in embroidery or print) in black over the chest pocket of the shirt and below the belt loops of the shorts. It must be in the order of: SURNAME and INITIALS, e.g. OKECHUKWU M.I. Please note that Michael and Ihuna need not appear in full.
The shorts must have two side pockets and one back pocket
The house-wear comprises of green short-sleeve shirt, a pair of green shorts and a pair of black sandals.
The cloth material for both shirt and shorts must be national green polyester.
Both shirt and shorts must be sewn with green thread
The shirt must have collar and one chest pocket
The buttons must be green and the sleeves must never be rolled up
Unnecessary design both at the back and front of the shirt must be avoided
The name of the Seminarian must be written (either in embroidery or print) in black over the chest pocket of the shirt and below the belt loops of the shorts. It must be in the order of: SURNAME and INITIALS, e.g. OKECHUKWU M.I. Please note that Michael and Ihuna need not appear in full.
The shorts must have two side pockets and one back pocket
In addition to their being required to wear school uniforms, all Seminarians are to be groomed and dressed appropriately for school and school activities. A student’s dress and/or appearance shall:
Support, not disrupt, the learning environment
Constitute no threat to health or safety
Be tasteful and unable to be construed as revolting or ruffian in nature
Reflect practices of good hygiene and cleanliness
The shoes must be black, simple, durable and be of high quality
The sandals also must be black, simple, durable and be of high quality
No strapless sandals must be worn with any of the uniforms
Unapproved attires or items (e.g. palm slippers, multi-coloured or designer belts, rings, necklaces, bangles, sunshades, etc) worn with the uniforms shall be permanently seized.